I was reading my sister's blog, who detailed some of the craziness that has ensued at her house this week. She finished by simply saying, "How was your week?"
Let's go back to last Tuesday--my birthday. I woke up the the dulcet tones of C and S screaming at each other. Oh, the joys of motherhood. After getting boys to and from school, feeding them, and trying to keep my sanity, we had C's Soccer game. I ended the day by making the boys pancakes for dinner at 9pm, eating mine over the sink. I was talking to my sister while I was trying to make "dinner" and we just had to laugh. She said it best when she said, "Just throw a vitamin at them. They'll live."
R was at school on my birthday and so the next day, he came home with an ice cream cake from Coldstone.....favorite flavor--Mmmmmmmmmint Chip. Yummy.
Skip forward to Friday. Our Stake has an annual Women's Retreat. I have never been able to go, and this year I told R that I wanted to go, so he got to stay home with the kids. Well, he wanted to go golfing. So lovingly, I found a babysitter...the younger sister of our most favorite. Poor thing--she did great, but can you see what's wrong with this picture?
Yes, folks. That's a cactus head right in C's flip-flop. Our boys LOVE being outside, and she took them for a walk through the wilderness next to our house. Who knew we had cactus? Unfortunately, the boys fell in the cactus, mostly S. Our sitter was amazingly calm through the whole thing and took great care of them. I just wonder how C managed to get home with these flip-flops.
The next day, R took the boys to a Utah Football Game--Sorry, Mom. Should have warned you to close your eyes to this part. Here they are enjoying treats during the game. I enjoyed the day by going to the Women's Retreat in the morning and then an afternoon and evening with just MK--doing absolutely nothing.
C and S at the Utah game |
This week, C got to bring treats to his soccer game. He was so excited....until it started to rain. And rain. And rain. I told him that I hoped they didn't cancel the game because playing soccer in the rain is SO much fun. He caught the excitment and enjoyed the shortened game.
Here, C is in the middle holding my umbrella up for some teammates while they are off the field.
Here, S is holding the umbrella while he sat on his chair watching brother play. MK is in the stoller covered in several layers of blankets. She slept through the whole thing and was nice and cozy warm in there.
S |
Here, C is on the field waiting for kick-off. He is 3rd from left.
And here, C is taking a breather after being on the field.
Today, I was rushing to get the boys ready for Kindergarten and Preschool. When I turned around, I found S looking at me like this.
S |
People constantly ask me how I manage to keep hats on my boys. I started from an early age and kept at it. Now, S has to have a hat EVERYWHERE he goes. It could be pitch black out side, and he would panic if he doesn't have a hat on before leaving the house. I did manage to convince him to leave it before we left. He used to try to wear a hat to church....but we've weaned him of that practice.
And finally--MK slept through the night! Hallajulah! Do I hear angels singing? Or is that just my brain working a bit more now that I had a bit more sleep? I put her down a little after 11pm and she didn't get me up til close to 7am. I only heard her fuss once during the night, and I was able to give her her pacifier and go back to sleep. Let's hope this is a continuing trend.