Monday, June 30, 2014

June Goals - Check!

Talk about cutting it close. I set two goals for June--nothing too big as it's been a very busy month. But still, I'm just squeaking under the deadline I set for myself.


I tuned piles of fabric like this: - Blue & White Fabric

Into piles of fabric like this: - Blue & White Fabric

Now, all my fabric for this project is prepped and ready to start. I won't have to stop and pull out any yardage needed.

I finally did this just today. But today is still June, so it counts.  My backing is all done! I pieced the label into the backing so it will be quilted with it instead of added after the fact. 

So, this is my backing: - Wheel of Fortune Quilt
Wheel of Fortune Quilt Back

As a refresher, this is the front of the quilt: - Wheel of Fortune Quilt
Wheel of Fortune Quilt Top

Setting goals have really helped me stay focused. And, it is so helpful for me to have something to work on besides my packing, cleaning, and house-selling madness consuming my life right now.

Linked up with A Lovely Year of Finishes here.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Vise Versa - Wheel of Fortune Label Block

I know I've been a bit MIA lately. First, I'm trying to clean, purge, and pack up my house to sell it (always an exhausting process.) Second, I went camping for with the young women in my church (always an exhausting experience--but loads of fun.) Third, I've thrown my back out (always an exhausting and painful experience.) 

With all that going on, I haven't had much time for sewing. But sewing is my sanity, so I try to find time. I have managed a few things.

Here is an updated picture of my Wheel of Fortune quilt.

Wheel of Fortune Quilt Top

I am absolutely LOVING my border. I just modified the wheel block to create this fun border. It really makes the secondary pattern pop.  

Wheel of Fortune Quilt

This will be my label--so fun, right? I left it with my mom who is embroidering my quilt label onto this block for me, which I will then piece into the back. She said she could even do it in a circular spiral! Can't wait to get it back from her.
Wheel of Fortune Quilt Block

It's just fun to see the inverse of the wheel block.  
Wheel of Fortune Vise Versa Blocks

I am determined to keep my June goal and get my backing all pieced for this quilt.

And just for because--here is a picture from my camping trip.
View from our campsite. 
Mountain View

Linked up with Show off Saturday here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday Tip # 6 - Four Helpful Tips When Attaching Quilt Binding

Binding is my sometimes nemesis. You can read about my battle with binding here, which is funny in retrospect. At the time? not so much. This has led me to find easier ways to attach my quilt binding to lessen my frustration.

This tidbit of wisdom was shared with me at a guild meeting and has made a world of difference for me. - Tuesday Quilt Tip, Helpful Tips When Attaching Quilt Binding
Use Walking Foot when Attaching Quilt Binding

The walking foot will feed the top layers through your sewing machine, similar to your feed dogs below, and will keep all your layers from shifting.

  • 2  --  WEAR QUILTING GLOVES - Tuesday Quilt Tip, Helpful Tips When Attaching Quilt Binding
Quilt Gloves
You are handling multiple layers of fabric and batting. Quilting gloves will allow you to easily grip the fabric as you move it through your machine. 

  • 3  --  PRESS SEAMS OPEN - Tuesday Quilt Tip, Helpful Tips When Attaching Quilt Binding
Press Seams Open

I hate to press seams open, but here it makes sense. You want as little bulk as possible on your binding, especially if you are hand sewing it in place to finish the quilt.

  • 4  --  PIN IN PLACE - Tuesday Quilt Tip, Helpful Tips When Attaching Quilt Binding
Pin Binding in Place

To avoid binding seams in the corners of your quilt, always take a few minutes to pin your binding in place. Yes, the binding shifts a little (even with a walking foot) but this will give you a guide of where to start your binding and the general area where the binding seams will be. If needs be, adjust your binding. This is so much easier to do before the first stitch than later. You do not want any extra bulk as you fold fabric to miter your corners. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

June Goals

It's official--I'm moving. We haven't sold our home yet, but we did sign papers with a home builder this past week. This means I won't have a lot of time to sew in the coming weeks as I work with my kids to purge our home of unnecessary things, pack, and prep our home to sell it.

Ultimately, this moves means I will get a real sewing room--a room all to myself! This will be a significant improvement over my current "sewing room." And , I use that term lightly. I have commandeered a small space between the couch in the living room and the dinning table in the dinning room. - Quilt Space
Make-Do Sewing Room

And, I've commandeered a space by the couch and entertainment center for all my fabric. My tower can be a little perilous. - Quilt Space
Tower of Quilt Bins!

Even though I will be spending a lot of time cleaning, packing, painting, fixing, and more, I still want to have time for me. There are so many quilty things I want to get done this month. I just know I can't make huge goals.

  • PREP "OLD ITALIAN" FABRIC - Old Italian Quilt Block, Blue & White Quilt
Old Italian Quilt Blocks

I've pre-washed a lot of fabric already. I need to press it, starch it, and pre-cut it into roughly 8-1/2" squares.

While this was on my list for goals for May, I didn't finish it because I changed my mind on how I wanted to do the backing. I now have all the pieces I need and need to get  moving. - Wheel of Fortune Quilt Top
Wheel of Fortune Quilt Top

Because I'm in transition, I won't baste this. I want to piece my backing and press the front. 

Linked up with A Lovely Year of Finishes here.
Linked up with Anything Goes Monday here.

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