I think this is the first time I've finished my goals early in the month. Usually, I'm scrambling the last couple of days to get things all done. I think it had something to do with the fact that I was
without a sewing machine for a large part of the month. It forced me to really focus--I was limited in what I could do, so I wasn't as easily distracted.
I had so many holey jeans they could no longer fit in my very large storage bin. So, the
denim project was born. My goal was to turn all the jeans I had into fabric for other projects. I cut and cut until I had huge piles of 5" squares and 2-1/2" strips.
Babco Unlimited - The Denim Project |
I have left a small pile of denim fabric: jeans I've cut away all the seams and holes, but haven't cut into any predetermined size. I did this because there are other things I want to make with my jeans that require other sizes cut from the jeans--I just haven't committed to the project yet.
Babco Unlimited - The Denim Project
Besides, I have a bajillion 5" squares. It was starting to get boring.
I was able to fold and prep about 45 pieces of vellum paper for my
Old Italian Project. It is a bit time consuming to make sure each fold is perfect (or pretty close to perfect), but it is worth it in the end.
I put on a show and sat at my mom's light box and folded and folded and folded. By the time my movie was over, I had all my printed vellum paper folded and ready for the next stage.
I will be doing this again and again as I need about 194 blocks for my Queen sized quilt. So far I've only sewn 57 blocks. So, I have a ways to go on this. I think I know what will be part of my goals for next month.
I love being part of A Lovely Year of Finishes. It is so helpful to me to make small goals, be held accountable for them, and mark my successes and failures.
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