Sunday, August 31, 2008


C in his soccer uniform right before his first game.
C started soccer last week. He has been looking forward to this for quite a while now. He got soccer gear for his birthday, including cleats from Mimi and Papa, a soccer ball from Auntie J, and mini goal and cones to practice with from Mom, Dad, and S.

He had his first game, and did pretty well. The games are pretty informal, which is great for his age. Each team had only 4 players on field at a time. C, as well as a few other kids, had to be reminded a couple of times not to use his hands. He kept saying that he wanted to be able to have a good kick, so he wanted to place the ball where he'd have a great angle. Nothing wrong with that logic. =)

Here he is going after the ball. He did manage to score a few goals, too.
Here, S is joining C on the sidelines while the other members of C's team play.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Starting School

School has started!

C started Kindergarten on Wednesday. He was so excited. I can't believe he's old enough to be in Kindergarten....nor that I'm old enough to have a child in Kindergarten. He met his new teacher the week before. Last year, he didn't want to leave preschool until a preschool buddy told him that there is a playground at Kindergarten. After that, he was excited to go. He's making new friends and learning new stories.

C first day of Kindergarten
Here is C, sporting new school clothes and wearing his favorite backpack ready to go.
Today, S started Preschool. Here he is posing with his big brother for his big day.

C and S
S has been looking forward to preschool for so long! He had a hard time last year when C would leave him. In fact, C was the one to "register" S for preschool! One day last year, I stayed after preschool to talk to his teacher to see about when she was doing sign-ups for the following year. Before I could say anything more, she told me that C had told her "Next year, I'm going to Kindergarten, and S is going to Preschool." So, she already had his name down for the following year! What a great big brother.

Here is S all ready for his first day of preschool--sporting his new backpack (as big as he is) and showing off his "show and tell" item.
S first day of Preschool
S was running to preschool. We had no problems with separation anxiety or anything. Gotta love that!
S off to Preschool
I enjoyed the morning by running errands that I've put off too long, which were so much easier to handle with only 1 kid in tow. MK was great.

We have struggled in getting S potty trained in time for preschool. He has been able to do it for quite a while, but just didn't care to. I didn't make it easier--I was always so tired to really commit to it myself, then had a baby, so didn't care to spend time doing it. But we finally found what would really motivate S to do it--Preschool. As soon as we told him that he couldn't go to preschool unless he used the potty, he has been great! Nice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A future in tile

About a month ago, we FINALLY put tile down in the kitchen/dining area, the bathrooms, and the entry way. This is a project that we have been wanting to do since we first bought this home 3 years ago. A good family friend, Ron, installed the tile for us and did an excellent job.

The boys were fascinated with the entire process. Ron was so good to the boys in letting them help. He let each of them lay down a piece of tile. They still point out their pieces that they laid down. So maybe, they found their future careers. Who knows.

Here is C laying down his piece of tile.
C helping lay tile

Here is S laying down his piece of tile.
S helping lay tile

The end result. Yeah--No more carpet in the dining area!
New Tile
The crazy thing about this project is that we did it 2 weeks before we had MK. So, instead of cleaning up the house like most nesting mothers, we tore our kitchen apart. All the appliances were in the garage along with our kitchen table and chairs. We had picnics on the living room floor, lunch in the garage, and too much Fast Food. The boys, who usually ask for Wendy's everytime we go out, were asking for mommy food after 2 days.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Yet another Birthday!

Me and MK
R and MK
Welcome little MK!

We have FINALLY completed the Babcock Birthday Week with the birth of our newest addition on August 5th. She came in at 7 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long. She is definitely smaller than her brothers who were 8 lbs 4 oz and 8 lbs 6 oz. R and I look at her like she's SO tiny because the boys were never that small.

I was induced with this one, just like with S, to control the labor and make sure I made it to the hospital on time. I had a new doctor with this one who wanted to play it very safe and started me with a VERY low dose of low that after 3 hours, there was absolutely NO progress. I was getting frustrated because with S, he was born after only 2-3/4 hours! They finally started to up the dosage and once they did, the family genes kicked in and I progessed REAL fast. Phew. After 4 hours, I was telling R that I was done. I hear stories of 24+ hours of labor and don't know how they do it. As with the boys, just pushed through 3-4 contractions, and we had a little girl. I had to cringe when my nurse told me that usually, on average, most women have to push for 2 hours. Ouch. All in all, the labor was 6 hours, a lot longer than we anticipated and pretty long for my family. Poor R! We expected to be done by lunch time, so we didn't bring any snacks for him. He was starving!

MK had to be taken to the NICU because she couldn't breathe properly. She had a lot of fluid in her lungs. They were able to clear out her lungs and send her back to me. Thankfully, she only spent a couple hours there. She's doing great, and we're very glad to be home.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Week of Birthdays!

The Birthday Boys
Our Birthday Boys!

Well, it's birthday week at the Babcocks! We started with C's Birthday on July 31st. Next up, S's on August 2nd. And, we're still not done! Baby #3 is scheduled to make an appearance on August 5th! That is, if baby doesn't decide to come earlier. I've been so worried I'd go into labor on one of the boy's birthdays, but here we are--the day after S's Birthday--and still pregnant. Phew!

A fun note of Babcock Trivia. C and S are 2 years and 2 days apart. If everything goes as planned (I'm being induced on August 5th) S and baby #3 will be 3 years and 3 days apart. Didn't plan any of this, but it sure is fun how it's turned out. Baby will share a birthday with my sister Stephanie and an anniversary with my parents.

We've had fun celebrating birthdays with the boys. We can't believe how big they are! Nor can we imagine what life would be without them!

S's Birthday

Saturday, Aug 2 was S's Birthday. We celebrated by going to SLC and visiting the Children's Museum. It was a blast! R and I had just as much fun as the boys. Even though we were all getting worn out, no one wanted to leave. S's favorite part was the ball area. Kids were able to put balls in motion all over the area. The Museum had all sorts of fun things for kids to do and explore and learn about the world around them. There was a construction zone, a water zone, a media center, helicoptor, and much more. We will have to go back again another day.

The birthday boy
We also played music. Here is S playing a few different notes.

S and C
A LifeFlight Helicopter was on a balcony that kids are able to climb into and explore. That was pretty cool!

C's Birthday

The Birthday Party
C turned 5 on July 31st! We had a great day celebrating his birthday with his friends. We pulled out the pool. R set up the slip-n-slide as well. C had a great time celebrating with his friends. They played in the water, ate hot dogs, and had cupcakes.

That night, we went to Grandma's and Boppi's for a time with them. It was the first time we got to see Boppi since his return from Saudi. The boys played in the sprinkler toy given to C that day from a friend, played at the park, got to have tub time in Grandma's big tub, and spent the night, too.

It was a great day!
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