Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday Tip #5 - The Importance of Labeling Solids

We've all had those moments where we think to ourselves, "I'll remember this. I don't need to write this down." We live to regret those words. 

My moment came while making my Honey Honey quilt. I was testing the pattern for Esther, and had pulled fabric from my stash. I reasoned I had enough fabric for this pattern--it was going to be alright. Unfortunately, I also lived to regret those words.  I had to remake about 16 units because I had misread the instructions. I ran out of the gray fabric, but I thought it wouldn't be a problem to match. I was pretty sure of the fabric's brand and where I had purchased it. Oh, how so very wrong. I searched for 2 days! Finally, after giving a swatch to my mom to help in the search, my mom called to tell me she found it. I was looking at the wrong brand entirely! 

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Tuesday Tip, Organize Solid Fabrics

I vowed to never let this happen again. 


 A lot of quilting fabric will have the company, designer, and pattern printed on the selvage. However, solids don't follow this trend. Neither do Batiks. However, this information can be found on the bolt. You know--where you look for the price? Yeah, there.

While at the store, write down both brand and color! This is easy to do while the fabric is being cut. .

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Tuesday Tip, Organize Solid Fabrics
Write it Down!

I have two ways I do this. 

My preferred method is with a permanent fabric pen. Do not use a Frixion pen or any other marking pen--the ink will disappear, and you lose all your precious information!

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Tuesday Tip, Organize Solid Fabrics

Unfold your fabric. Write the fabric's make and color on the selvage. You're going to cut it off eventually, so you aren't losing out on any fabric.

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Tuesday Tip, Organize Solid Fabrics
Label Your Fabric

Or, you can label your fabric with paper and pin. Again, be sure to write down the fabric make and color. I pin it at the selvage (over the holes.) This way, I'm not accidentally damaging any usable fabric.
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Tuesday Tip, Organize Solid Fabrics
Label Your Fabric

I found it necessary to use this method for my really dark fabrics, or true blacks.
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Tuesday Tip, Organize Solid Fabrics
Label Your Fabric

You may be asking yourself, "Self? Is this really necessary?" From one self to another, it really is. Unless you want to be chasing down that elusive color. Was it Kona? Or Moda? Hmm. Is that blue I need called "Cloud," "Blue Bell," or "Cornflower?" Can't quite tell--and it's harder to tell when you are looking at two entirely different brands.

Don't leave it up to chance! Don't waste 2+ days searching for an exact match! Write it down and keep it with the fabric so you can always match your fabric later if the need arises. 

And Murphy's Law states: "You will always need to match fabric you didn't label." 

Okay, I made that up. But it totally sounds legit, right?

Linked up to Stitch by Stitch here

Friday, February 21, 2014

FMQ Friday #5 - Hidden Mickeys

Inspiration really is all around us.

While at Disneyland last week, the kids and I searched for hidden Mickeys. We found quite a lot, and we were always so proud of ourselves. It added an element of surprise and fun to the normal and mundane. 
For example: This was the carpet in our hotel room.
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Hidden Mickey, Disneyland
It is a pretty swirly design. Then, suddenly, you are seeing a hidden Mickey.

While waiting in line for Gadget Go ride in Toon Town, my boys spotted this hidden Mickey.
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Hidden Mickey, Disneyland

This one I found online here.
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Hidden Mickey, Disneyland
Hidden Mickey
These little hidden treasures are easily found when you look for them, but are also easily overlooked. 

What does this have to do with quilting? So glad you asked. 
Why can't we do something similar in our quilting? Add hidden designs or messages?
Who says we can't? I still haven't met with this supposed "Quilt Police" anywhere.

I pulled out a quilting practice block and started quilting. I thought a loopy stippling would be perfect for this type of thing. So, as I looped and swirled I stitched in the word "Love." Can you see it?
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Hidden Quilting Words
Hidden Words

I like how it is hidden. It's easy to see when you know to look for it, but easily overlooked because it blends in with the overall design.  The possibilities are endless. I could have even done an actual hidden Mickey in the quilting.

Have you ever done a hidden message or design?

Linked up to Free Motion Quilting here.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Field Trip to Museum of Art

Yesterday, we took a family field trip to the BYU Museum of Art

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - BYU Museum of Art, Field Trip
S, MK, C in front of BYU Museum of Art

Currently, they have an exhibit entitled "Sacred Gifts: The Religious Art of Carl Bloch, Heinrich Hofmann, and Frans Schwartz."  BYU has managed to borrow several amazing paintings that have never been lent out before. 

One of the first paintings seen in the exhibit is this painting titled "Agony in the Garden" by Frans Schwartz. This one is MK's favorite. 
Agony in the Garden, Frans Schwartz

This one is titled "The Mocking of Christ" by Carl Bloch. I was stunned by this painting. It looked so much like a photograph. I kept returning to this painting while we were there. 
The Mocking of Christ, Carl Bloch

I have been spending so much time looking at quilts and fabric I sometimes forget about other artistic and creative things. After seeing these, I have no desire to pick up paints. However, I do have a desire to seek out other beautiful things and create my own beautiful things.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Quilty Things I Love

In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd highlight a few quilty things I love. Valentine's Day isn't just about flowers, chocolate, and conversation hearts.

This might not seem like a big deal, but to me it is. I think I was the only little girl who hated pink. HATED! As in a burning hate of a million fiery suns. Might sound extreme, but it's true--just ask my mother. You would never catch me wearing pink. 

I think this stemmed from being the third daughter. I had two older sisters who would use me as their living doll to dress up. I got sick of it. Then, my loving grandmother would send me homemade outfits all pink with ruffles and lace. Think of Ralph in "A Christmas Story." I didn't get the whole pink bunny outfit, but to my little girl self it was just as bad. 

My daughter, MK, came out of the womb loving pink (trust me--I didn't encourage this) and has helped me get over my prejudice. Most days, she is wearing head to toe pink she picks out herself.
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - I love Pink!

Now my stash is full of pink. And I'm so glad it is, or I wouldn't be making this lovely in pink:

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Wheel of Fortune Quilt
Wheel of Fortune Quilt
(The weather has been too gloomy to get a new updated pic)

I have these lovely fabrics waiting to make a beautiful pink, red, and aqua heart quilt. Love it!

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Valentine Heart Quilt
Valentine Quilt Fabric

(Quilt found in the Jan/Feb 2012 Quiltmaker Magazine)
Valentine Quilt

Have dry hands, but don't want to put on lotion because it gets all over the fabric or you can't hold your needle anymore? Not with this stuff.

(photo from his website)
The Honey Guy

My mom, aka The Quilting Guru, was raving about this lotion. Me? I was skeptical. Isn't honey sticky? Plus, I work for a personal care company and am very particular about all lotions.

Then I went to HMQS where The Honey Guy had a booth. I tried it at the booth and bought a sampler kit to take home. Oh, how I wished I had bought a big jug! I ordered a big jar online because this stuff is amazing! 

This lotion keeps your hands moisturized (and I live in the dry Utah desert) without residue. I can touch fabric to my hearts content and not transfer any chemicals. Within minutes of application, I can hand sew and not lose my grip on my needle. Plus, you only need to use it once and it lasts all day long. AMAZING I tell you.

You can buy it here

The Quilting Guru, aka my mom, made this for me. It is a hanging pocket for all my sewing goodies I need like my little scissors, my seam ripper (wish I didn't need it so much), my stiletto, etc. The top part is a pin cushion weighted with sand.

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Hanging Sewing Basket
Hanging Sewing Bag

When I sew, it hangs to my right to keep all my little goodies at hand. The sand in the pincushion keeps it weighted to the table so it doesn't fall off.

(This is my small sewing space I commandeered)
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Sewing Area
Sewing Area
There is a lot to love about quilting and all our fabric, gadgets, and tools. What are some of your quilty loves?

Linked up with Sew Can She here.

Monday, February 3, 2014



I'll be back next week. I'm going to Disneyland!

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