Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January Goals

After writing down my goals for 2016, I just want to run and do it ALL. But I have to pace myself, I know. I realize I can't do it all in one day. And funnily enough, the project I want to work on this month doesn't have anything to do with my goals for the year--it's a leftover Christmas project I didn't finish.

I want to make three of these Pillows for my sisters-in-law.
BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Flower Petal Pillow
Babco Unlimited - Flower Petal Pillow Completed Project

I had a stroke of genius about five days before Christmas--to make this pillow for my mother-in-law. She had seen a picture of the one I had made and jokingly requested one in peach. I thought it would be a perfect Christmas gift.

BabcoUnlimited.blogspot.com - Flower Petal Pillow
Flower Petal Pillow

But as I shopped for fabric and accessories, I thought "I should do one for my sisters-in-law, too. Shouldn't take me very long." So I started to buy stuff to make three extra pillows. Only problem--it took me two days to track down peach felt, and I ran out of time.

So now I have stuff for three more pillows, and I don't want all the stuff to lay around my sewing room forever.

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