Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Reduction in Force

So, R was laid off yesterday. Apparently, his (former) company had a reduction in workforce by about 12%. Luckily, he was given a small severance and will be able to apply for unemployement. Also, he sent out a tweet as he was leaving and he's received many calls from friends and former co-workers offering help and pointing him in the direction of other job opportunities. R is very personable and has a great network.

Keeping our fingers crossed.


Stephanie said...

Hang in there. Glad to know R has a good network out there looking for him, too.

Jilene said...

come to Boise!!! Not that there's anything here, and we may be in the same boat soon, but it would be fun to live closer. hang in there. something will come along. are you still working?

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